

Bagi sebagian blogger Indonesia NetworkedBlog mungkin sudah sangat tidak asing lagi. Maklumlah, karena situs NetworkedBlog sudah terintegrasi dengan Facebook sebagai aplikasi yang sangat populer khususnya di kalangan blogger.
Dengan kelebihannya itu menjadikan NetworkedBlog bukan sekedar situs direktori blog belaka, melainkan sebuah situs social network yang bisa ditautkan dengan Twitter dan tentu saja Facebook. Secara umum NetworkedBlog boleh dibilang wajib diikuti oleh setiap blogger yang ingin mempromosikan blog nya.

Siapa saja orang yang berada di belakang layar NetworkedBlog?
Di bawah ini saya kutip sedikit info tentang apa dan siapa di balik direktori NetworkedBlog.


NetworkedBlogs is a user-generated blog directory and syndication tools for publishers. NetworkedBlogs is one of the largest news apps on Facebook.

Ninua News

Ninua News is a fun and social way to get bitsize news while going about your day. A user's interests are crisscrossed with what's popular among friends to serve up a personal, social view of the news.
Available on Android, iOS coming soon.

Meet the Team

Waleed Abdulla, Founder

Waleed thrives on hackathons, extreme coding, and solving hard problems. He holds an M.Sc. in computer engineering, is active in the community, and enjoys reading about entrepreneurship, business, and psychology.

Rafid Abdulla, Engineer

Rafid's favorite relaxation technique is inventing new solutions for complex mathematical problems. He holds an M.Phil. in Computer Science and spends his free time reading up on philosophy, AI, and quantom mechanics.

Tara Kelly, UX Design

Tara enjoys putting everything in order except her own closet. She has a formal design background, with a BFA from RISD. Tara joined the team in January 2010, and has since been melding NetworkedBlogs and Ninua News into a single, enjoyable entity.
Advisors & Mentors

Dave McClure, Investor

One of the most well known investors in Silicon Valley. Dave provides an invaluable network of founders, mentors, and advisors.

Chang Kim, Advisor

Chang is a product manager at Blogger.com. He provides clear insights into the blogging industry and loves product brainstorming.

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